Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New comer

1st day of blogging....already feeling like the new little kid in school who realizes that her new classmates have already learnt all their vowels( are they still a,e,i,o,u like back in the day?) and can't utter them for shit. Anyway, only the 1st one week is odd, often spent eyeballing the other kids and gauging who is more up your alley, after that, if you are the bossy type,you end up calling the shots or not. the idea of setting up my own blog has been a long time in coming, since my campus days. If that makes me out as old..hehe! forgive me! i still think am spring chicken, my sunset days are so far away. And again , I believe in one being as young as their spirit.. But just to avoid any confusion, being as am introducing myself into the world of bloggers, will make a short introduction...I  Just finished my University degree in April in a deeply scientific course. Yes ,i  can tell you what bacterium or fungi is bringing on the ashy spots on your face, or what makes you scratch in the most sacred of places...yes i can do that and much more. But such is life that you end up doing something totally different from what you thought you would be doing for the rest of your life. Thing is, life gives you curveballs that you gotta know how to handle....
I hope to meet new friends through this blog, learn a whole lot more and maybe even touch a life...hehe! i really did say that..touch a life. Isn't that why we live? On that note, send your food or cash donations to the starving Kenyans. you would like some help too if circumstances were reversed.

Let's toast to my first day of blogging. Loved the little fruits at the top and the lovely glasses and the nice colours of the drinks..if i could get the green one, i would probably down it in one gulp, not because i love alcohol...No, i actually don't drink, but because it looks so attractive. Now, use of colour is maybe one of the things EABL or the wonderful Keroche could would make more drinkers of the lot of us.Anyway, here is to  a great relationship!


  1. Keep on blogging to share your ideas with the rest of the world!



  3. thank you guys, i sure will continue writing.

  4. finally a place to read all your crazy n good ideas. am gonna bookmark this blog :)

  5. so what inspired the idea of Blogging???:-))

  6. Cathy...hehe! and you are welcome to add your crazy ideas to mine too.And thanx for passing by.
    Hi MaryMary, it must be coz i express myself better through written word than through the spoken word...(that sounds so serious) hehe, i just love to write,and what better way than this?
