Wednesday, December 14, 2011

let's drink to that.

Hey in a good mood today. And the weather actually matches my moods, It is sunny outside and am looking good( if i can say so myself. hehe!). I love the jiggling of the bangles adorning my arm, I love how my blouse flatters my torso without undue emphasis and yes, I wanna skip, or dance to silence.
I miss Mr K a lot. He's been gone for a week now but we talk often and am grateful to the whizkid who created the e-buddy chat application.
Yesterday, i had an interesting situation. We were toasting to Christmas and all things festive and instead of my glass being filled with wine like for all the others( not that i would usually drink but i like having choices), mine had grape juice, that's how you know that you are special. Rihanna's Cheer's song comes to mind....and my favorite lines include-  cheers to the freaking weekend( replace with Xmas) and 'don't let the bastards get you down'( i especially like this one.) and yes, that;s my new ringtone for the week. But i digress.
Am getting ready for Christmas, my last Christmas for me as the person i am today. 2012 holds many new things for me.Never been a sucker for change, but i have never balked down at challenges and curve balls that life throws at me, I play to win and win I will..( God told me so, hehe!)  2011 has been a great year with a great measure of good and surprises; My strength has been tested a lot this year and I have discovered that am stronger than i thought...I got my first ever job. God knows am grateful for that, and my boss is the kind of woman i wanna be like....Mr K is living his dreams, can't be happier for him..and soon,am gonna meet someone who will change my life forever( will tell you all about it in 2012.). I also started my blog and am grateful to you all., Oh! and I graduated.
Here are a few lessons I have learnt in 2011. I hope they help you even a little.
Lessons from 2011.

  • Tough times don't last forever, They serve to test your strength and when you remain firm, solutions start trickling in. if you falter and panic,you will make a wrong decision and regret is what you will live with.
  • Your family may have its quirks but they won't desert you when hell breaks loose...and appreciate your mama more, she is a gem no matter how mad she makes you at times.
  • The world views you and treats you as you view yourself.. If you think that you are a failure, the world views you as such. If you think that you are great, then the world views you as that and you will achieve greatness.
  • Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.Treasure the good friends you have and back off from the toxic ones.
  • If you want something really bad, it comes to you( that really works. I think God conspires with the universe and you get it.) Plus when you really want something, you put the best of your efforts to it and When you've done your best, God doesn't let you down.
  • Am not ultra religious, I don't even consider myself worthy of his grace but i like to think that am spiritual. I believe that everyone needs God in their life. You need his divinity to push on through life.
  • Smile, smile smile, it's never that serious. Believe me.
Time for me to get back to work. Happy mood still on, 'op it lasts through the day and do enjoy yourself.


  1. Wow,thank you gal.U have blessed me today:)

  2. Thank you glad it helped keep reading.
